I also run environmentally beneficial workshops, that sees people turn scrap into something new and wonderful!!!
The premise is that I collect scrap fabrics (predominantly leathers) that are destined for the bin, and then make, sell and teach people how to make earrings that are unique, handmade and get a brand new life. Hence the name ‘one man’s trash’
The workshops tend to see me teach/manage a maximum of 10 people at a time – each person has their own cutting board, rotary cutters, tools, and access to materials. This group size means I can attend to those who need help, and encourage those who are off to a flying start!
This can work either by teaching 10 people at a time in one go, or having people just take a spot if there’s a place free. The former works if it is being used as a unique activity or bridge between one activity and another. The latter works if the workshop is part of a bigger event all happening simultaneously.
People can then wear what they’ve made there and then, or have them wrapped up as gifts, in recycled wrapping of course!
Please use the CONNECT tab to contact me about workshops.
Alternatively, click the box below.